Members of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB have gathered in Tokyo to Protest ahead of President Muhammadu Buhari’s visit to the country.
The President will be in Japan for the Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD7). The IPOB members are acting in line with an order from the leader Nnamdi Kanu, to arrest and disgrace the president.
Kanu stated that President Buhari must be arrested and handed over to Japanese authorities to enable him to answer for his alleged mass murder and crimes against humanity, which he allegedly committed in Nigeria between 2015 and 2019.
The IPOB protesters also marched through the streets of Tokyo calling for the independence of Biafra. Watch below;
For us to have stable government,nigerian government to arest atiku abubakar and prosicult him for sponsuring bad people against nigerian government.financily. even kanu the ipop leader is sponsure by atiku the candidate of p d p.
Please let’s be civil with our outburst. Don’t insult people who have a view you disagree with.
Lol if you find it hilarious and unreal.
It is true that some of the insecurity in Nigeria today have politics stamped all over.
You lose election today means prepare for the next. No condition is permanent and should not be a do or die issue. God bless Nigeria. Amen.
Before you start make sane comments that readers will understand, try and go back to school and take your English grammar seriously. My advice
Why did you abandon the good upbringing your parents gave you?
Mumu you better go to school to learn your spelling very well before your nonsense and put on net Ok? Which Attiku that is problem of Nigeria? I guest you have a mental problem.
Regarding the FBI list we say those who live by the sword will live to reap their evil deeds , it is a known fact that not all igbos are bad but most of IPOB members live abraod on fraudlent means to survive. the big question is : if IPOB members dont consider themselves Nigerians why then attacking the nigerian government officials including thier own kinsmen ? the answer is simple , they are not focused in their struggle but busy making illegal money but the nemises will soon catch up with them when they attack president Buhari as that will instigate more reprisal action against them by their host countries wait and see. End of bad story.
You are very stupid, wasn’t there an execution in Saudi, did u see any Igbo on the list.. Why can’t you people allow us leave, u scared your country will turn poorest in Africa. BIAFRA SHALL STAND
You people are doing great. Biafra will come.
Patric why must u resort to using harsh words on him? his oblige to his opinion just like you. In the end Kanu nd IPOB at large have now become a media via which violence cud be channel to distabilise Nigeria gvmnt. his(Kanu) actions nd words of late are far from the main aim nd objective of seeking for independence. if Biafra as a Nation was ever to come to past, he has pushed it further from reality the more.
Biafrans are spiritual. It can never be killed with guns and bullets. One Nigerian can go to hell and burn to ashes. God created biafrans. Oduduwa and Ariwa republic. BIAFRAN WILL COME TAKE IT OR U LEAVE IT.WE MUST STOP DECEIVING OUR SELF SAYING WE ARE ONE. WE ARENT ONE AND WILL NEVER BE ONE PERIOD.
Honestly, I am not impressed by this protest. I see this so called protest as an irresponsible act aimed at tarnishing the image of our dear country. Those who are behind it are fighting for the breakup of Nigeria. The unity of Nigeria is divine, anyone who is aspiring to break it up, will inevitably be broken to pieces.
What image are you talking about, sit down there.
One Nigeria is not by force.. We want to be on our own. I did not see anything bad about that.. Biafra most come
biafra must come,biafra must be free from the zoo,and any one who dont want the progress of biafra,still wish the person desame
The Hausa/Flanis, Yorubas and Igbos are in a Force Marriage wedded by British gov’t. Pls, allow the BIAFRANS to go. Marriage is not by force. One Nigeria is in theory. Call a Spade, a Spade. Pls, tell president Buhari that I am not happy.
Nigerians need Jesus. God, may ur will b done
Good job guys
I have only one world for you people that happy with the condition in Nigeria now Sha perish and you will not reap what you labor for by the grace of God everybody are die everyday you don’t said anything about this, now Biafra need there freedom now you are making stupid comment, let this people be at there oun, it is by force to be together forever no is not too much blood in Nigeria now, and the leaders are going outside the country everyday, is that good
why will some one earth that have conscience and not sick be making false allegations against the man that is helping the ppl to retrieve their mandate and also help Nigerians and the world to know the truth about buhari and his scamming government…..it is the wicked,demons,ritulist,devil incarnate that will support the bad administration of APC, buhari,and his cabals………the End shall tell and every one will give account o judgement day….
why will some one earth that have conscience and not sick be making false allegations against the man that is helping the ppl to retrieve their mandate and also help Nigerians and the world to know the truth about buhari and his scamming government…..it is the wicked,demons,ritulist,devil incarnate that will support the bad administration of APC, buhari,and his cabals………the End shall tell and every one will give account o judgement day….
abeg o make unna forget dah guy jor him don high na..the truth is all over we can’t continue to live in lies na when u try to pent de name of God own chosen (OGA-JONA)dis wot u get.dis government is fake nothing about them is true..then one big 4 nothing fool with 0 I.Q will come and add another inocenet name just like pdp yes its politics but the truth is out o..some people have hijacked my husband’s gov’t where are the nigerian men?(mrs buhari) there is God o!(madam P) are we going to watch our die anyhow enough is enough o…
i never supported atiku or buhari in the first place, both are corrupted politicians, if nigeria should move forward, one mind and fear of God among the people is needed. please tell nnamdi kanu to pack well
One nigeria can never be by force, PHAROAH let my people go