Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani in a televised speech on Tuesday, says Iran will punish all those responsible for the accidental shooting down of a Ukrainian passenger plane.
Rouhana disclosed that the “tragic event” would be investigated thoroughly.
“It was an unforgivable error, one person cannot be solely responsible for the plane crash.
“Iran will punish all those responsible for the accidental shooting down of a Ukrainian passenger plane
“Iranian Armed Forces admitting their mistake is a good first step. We should assure people that it will not happen again.
“The government is accountable to Iranian and other nations who lost lives in the plane crash,” he said.
Ukrainian International Airlines flight PS752 was downed on Wednesday hours after Iran carried out missile strikes on two airbases housing US forces in Iraq.
The strike was a response to the killing of senior Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani in a U.S. drone strike in Baghdad on Jan. 3.
After series of accusations by Europian leaders, Iran finally admitted that its military actually shot down the Ukrainian passenger plane.
This was made on Saturday days after denying having anything to do with the crash.
The military said the jet turned towards a sensitive site belonging to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and was then mistaken for a cruise missile.
There must be a fair trial conducted and proper judicial procedures followed, so as to bring guilty offenders to book, to deter incidents like this from happening, again, anywhere in the world.