The World Bank has released its latest report titled “COVID-19 in Nigeria: Frontline Data and Pathways for Policy’ on Wednesday”, focusing on the urgency of policy action needed to combat the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on Nigerian households.
It draws on high-frequency data sources such as the Nigeria COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey (NLPS) to inform the choices the government now faces.
“The report shows that the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis for human capital, livelihoods and welfare are proving to be severe. While many schools have reopened across Nigeria, learning that was lost during the COVID-19 crisis still needs to be recouped and some children have not returned to school,” the report said.
It added that Nigeria has already had to deal with complex challenges such as household poverty, human capital accumulation, and pre-pandemic labour-market dynamics.
The World Bank also pointed out that many Nigerians are still facing difficulties managing their income, even after returning to work.
“Even though many Nigerians have returned to work, the jobs to which they have shifted, mainly in small-scale non-farm enterprises, may not offer income security, making it difficult for households to escape poverty,” the report noted.
The report’s findings highlight the urgency of immediate reforms to strengthen the country’s economy and development outcomes.