Former President, Goodluck Jonathan has revealed that the Former Prime minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron, used envoys to ‘threaten’ him over his refusal to pass laws legalising Gay Marriage in Nigeria.
Jonathan’s explosive response is coming after the Former PM accused Jonathan of refusing help from the UK to rescue the Chibok Girls. In a statement seen by POLITICS NIGERIA, Jonathan revealed;
“As President of Nigeria at that time, I came under almost unbearable pressure from the Cameron administration to pass legislation supporting LGBTQ Same-Sex marriage in Nigeria. My conscience could not stomach that, because as President of Nigeria, I swore on the Bible to advance Nigeria’s interests, and not the interest of the United Kingdom or any foreign power.”
“As such, on Monday, January 13, 2014, I signed the Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Bill into law after the Bill had been passed by an overwhelming bipartisan majority of Nigeria’s parliament, in line with the wishes of the Nigerian people. This happened shortly after a study of 39 nations around the world by the U.S. Pew Research Center came up with a finding which indicated that 98 per cent of Nigerians were opposed to the idea of Gay Marriage.”
“Immediately after I took this patriotic action, my government came under almost unbearable pressure from Mr. Cameron, who reached me through envoys, and made subtle and not so subtle threats against me and my government.”
“In fact, meetings were held at the Obama White House and at the Portcullis House in Parliament UK, with the then Nigerian opposition to disparage me, after I had signed the Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Bill into law.”
The stupid britons wanted to turn Nigeria into an anathema! Thank you GEJ for not conceding to their diabolic moves. Animals!
God will still honor u for standing ur ground against dis monsters living a life dat even animals can’t. Sir I hail u from here.
Truth is now coming out. Thank you very much.
Let me add it more; the whites representative that plotted the graph are in my locality. I am the supposed Governor of Biafra indeed but they refused to sign it instead they opt for proxy leadership of old eastern region of Nigeria or else it will not go again even when God approved it.
They terminated my farm proceeds and rest of my achievements for refusing to change my Identity. I even made some calls to police but they aggravated it. I went to cell, they tortured me because they knew that I cannot take them to court alone.
Nigerian farmers/herders dying on daily bases is as a result of this phenomenon. If I could be given chance to air my grievance, I will come out publically to talk. I do not care any longer because they denied me my sweated post and terminated more than #500,000,000 naira whereas others are enjoying it unknowingly and no one to pay me back.
Our president is paying one hundred billion naira (#100,000,000,000,000.00) damages to fulani herders.
I deserve president of Nigeria now not even waiting 2023 uncontestable because it had being long they predicted division of this country and nobody doubted yet I suffered it but they refusing signing it and is ordained division.
If they were here for religious purposes as they claimed, they would have do the right thing- offering me Biafra without stigma or giving me chance of using my sweat to secure ticked of PDP. The supposed leadership of One Nigeria for now.