In commemoration of the 2023 International Day of Democracy, Hamzat Lawal, the Chief Executive Officer of Connected Development (CODE), has expressed his gratitude towards Nigerian security agencies and the judiciary for their pivotal roles in upholding democracy in the country.
Shedding more light on their vital contributions to the nation’s democratic progress, he said:
“Nigerian security agencies have played a crucial role in maintaining peace and security during elections, while the judiciary has been instrumental in upholding the principles of justice and accountability.”
Speaking on Nigeria’s democratic journey and the need to uphold democracy in the country, Lawal said:
“Democracy is an ongoing journey; continuous efforts to improve and strengthen it are essential for the nation’s progress and stability.
“As Nigeria looks to the future, such reforms are necessary to address existing challenges, enhance transparency, and bolster the democratic system.
“Open and inclusive discussions are essential to ensure that these reforms align with the aspirations and needs of the Nigerian populace.”
Highlighting this year’s theme for the International Day of Democracy, “Empowering the next generation,” which focuses on young people’s essential role in advancing democracy, Lawal noted:
“This theme underscores the pivotal role that young people play in advancing and sustaining democracy for today and the future.
“In this regard, young people are not merely the future of democracy; they are an integral part of its present, and their involvement is essential for its continued growth and vitality.
“The younger generation’s energy, passion, and idealism infuse democracy with renewed vigour. They bring fresh ideas, innovative solutions, and a deep commitment to social justice and equality.
“By empowering young people to participate actively in the democratic process, we ensure the representation of their voices and concerns and enrich the quality of our democratic discourse.
“Empowering the next generation is more than just giving young people a seat at the table; it is about fostering an inclusive environment where their voices are heard, valued, and acted upon.
“It is about providing them with the tools and knowledge needed to engage meaningfully in the democratic process, from voting in elections to advocating for the changes they wish to see in their communities and countries.
“As we celebrate today, let us recommit ourselves to supporting and mentoring the young leaders and activists striving to make a difference.”