The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Christopher Musa, has blamed governors and government officials for the current security challenges facing the country.
Addressing journalists during a chat with journalists in Abuja, Musa noted that good governance and not a military solution would end terrorism in the country.
The defence chief maintained that military solution to terrorism is only about 30% while good governance, equity, fairness and justice make up 70%.
“We urge our political leaders to do the right thing. Anywhere you find good governance, it reduces insecurity. Our present challenges in Nigeria are man-made. We in the military are not magicians,” the defence chief said.
He noted that any officer found wanting after investigation of the Kaduna bombing of civilians would be severely punished.
He said: “I always mention that wherever we operated we have standing court martials. The court martial is not to scare anybody, but to tell you that if you eer, you would be held accountable, if you committed no offence, you don’t have anything to fear.
“We want to always complement our troops when they do well so that we can also encourage them to do more.”
”We have been punishing our officers. It’s just that probably because most times, you don’t get to know. I’m sure you know in Maiduguri we have jailed a lot of personnel. I have a lot of my personnel in Jail. Court Martials have sent them to jail and you can go and verify.
“We do not shield offenders. You commit an offence, you go for it and that’s why you see we have this high level of discipline. Anyone who commits an offence, we take it serious. Actually you are going to be investigated thoroughly. If you are found guilty, you are going to be punished.”
He urged Nigerians and the media to thread softly in order to avert escalating insecurity in the country.
His words: “The security challenges we’re facing is not only a military challenge, it’s for everybody and you there you are always most times on the forefront, you’re also exposed to such things. So that’s why it’s important for us to have a good understanding of what’s going on so that we can clearly sensitize the public, let them understand what’s going on.
“And then the efforts that have been made on daily basis. Members of the security forces are dying and yet sometimes people don’t tend to always remember that people are sacrificing so much for the peace they enjoy.
“One thing I want people to do is to avoid demoralizing the troops. Because if somebody is there day, night standing, morning, evening, nights away from his family getting injured, and yet he’s being insulted, he’s being unappreciated. I mean, we’re all humans. You know what the tendencies are? This person will say, since I’m not being appreciated, then it’s not my business anymore and that will be dangerous for all of us,” he said.