Popular Politician and Former chairman of the Labour Party, Dan Nwanyanwu has stated that power should return to the South if Nigeria is to continue existing.
In a recent interview, Nwanyanwu disclosed that it was the rightful thing to do if the country will continue to be one. He revealed that by 2023 the north would have completed 8 years in power.
“As far as I am concerned, we have seen that we have something that is still binding Nigerians together though not written. President Obasanjo used his tenure handed over to Yar’Adua; unfortunately, Yar’Adua died while in office, his vice president took over which is Jonathan; Jonathan finished, he was not re-elected, it came to the North, Buhari will be doing eight years by 2023.”
“This power must return to the South in 2023 if we want Nigeria to continue to exist. I am not threatening, but I am using it in the rightful sense that if we believe in this country and that this country will continue to be one, this power must return to the South. Let the key political parties zone it to the South. If you don’t zone it to the South, while still working on restructuring then it means we don’t believe in this country, you want to create problem.”
“It will be unreasonable for anybody from the North to aspire to be President in 2023 after Buhari and it will be telling other Nigerians from other zones that you people don’t belong and I don’t think that is the intention or impression that most Nigerians will like to take. It must return to the South, then when it comes to the South we will start asking the question of those that have done and those that have not done and it will be situated appropriately.” he said.