Several people have been killed and others injured in Kongsberg, Norway, when a man armed with a bow and arrow attacked them inside a Coop Extra supermarket.
According to local police, the attacker had been arrested and appeared to have acted alone.
“We can unfortunately confirm that there are several injured and also unfortunately several killed in this episode,” Øyvind Aas, the police chief in Kongsberg, told a press conference.
Aas said the man had been detained. He declined to comment on the number of casualties but said the attacks happened over “a large area” and involved multiple crime scenes.
Norway has experienced a decrease in criminal offences over the past years. In less than a decade, the number of reported crimes declined by more than 80 thousand cases. While roughly 395 thousand criminal offences were reported to the Norwegian authorities in 2012, the number had dropped to around 300 thousand cases as of 2020. From a population perspective, that was a change from 82.8 to 58.2 crimes committed per one thousand inhabitants between 2009 and 2019.