President Bola Tinubu has told Nigerians that they must be prepared to play their part in assisting the government to build the nation this year.
In his New Year’s Day broadcast to the nation, the president said that for the New Year to yield all its good benefits to the people, “as individuals and collectively as a people, we must be prepared to play our part.”
He added: “The job of building a prosperous nation is not the job of the President, Governors, Ministers, Lawmakers and government officials alone. Our destinies are connected as members of this household of Nigeria.
Our language, creed, ethnicity and religious beliefs, even when they are not the same, should never make us work at cross purposes.”
He said Nigerians must resolve that as joint heirs to the Nigerian Commonwealth, adding that they must work for the country’s peace, progress, and stability.
The president also said he took an oath to serve this country and always give his best, explaining that, like he said in the past, there is no excuse for poor performance from any of his appointees would be good enough.
“It is the reason I put in place a Policy Coordination, Evaluation, Monitoring and Delivery Unit in the Presidency to make sure that governance output improves the living conditions of our people.
“We have set the parameters for evaluation. Within the first quarter of this New Year, Ministers and Heads of Agencies with a future in this administration that I lead will continue to show themselves,” he said.
Tinubu stated his major ambition in government as a Senator in the aborted Third Republic, as Governor of Lagos State for eight years and now as the president of this blessed country was to build a fair and equitable society and close the widening inequality.
He said while he believed the rich should enjoy their legitimately-earned wealth, “our minimum bargain must be that any Nigerian that works hard and diligent enough will have a chance to get ahead in life.“