The founder of the Household of God Church, Chris Okotie has described his late colleague, Pastor Temitope Balogun Joshua, popularly called Prophet TB Joshua, as “a magician”.
According to Okotie, late Joshua deceitfully wanted to equate himself with Jesus Christ.
“This man was a magician. But he carries the Bible around with him, and calls himself a prophet, that he is a servant of The Almighty God,” Okotie said in a video published on Apokalupsis’ YouTube channel on Sunday.
“The Bible tells us that he is not. That he is a false prophet. Pseudoprophētēs is the Greek phrase. A magician who carries the Bible around, who preaches, who teaches, and claims to be an inspired speaker of The Lord.”
He continued: “When this man calls himself Bar-Jesus, he is claiming equality with Jesus. He is saying he is another Jesus. That’s the pattern that Joshua has.
“He is connected to the nation of Israel, and he calls himself another Jesus.
“He is a magician, a sorcerer, and calls himself a prophet. Notice, he doesn’t call himself an Apostle, he doesn’t call himself a teacher, he doesn’t call himself a pastor. Because if he calls himself outside any name other than a prophet, then he does not fulfill the pattern.
“So he must stick with that appellation. So, that’s why he stuck with that title because it is a prophetic assignment appellation.
“If he didn’t follow that pattern, the power that is necessary to carry out the assignment that Satan gives to him would not be engendered.”
Okotie has been a long-standing critic of Joshua and once described late Joshua as the “vicar of the devil on earth.”
Just as you are on an assignment for the marine kingdom .Sir , study your Bible and stop exposing your ignorance.the kingdom of God is not in speaking grammar but in the demonstration of the power of God.if you humble yourself and crave in enersty for a greater dimensions of jb joshua,s anniont and pay the needed prayers and fastings and stop jumping from one mistress to another and God see that your motives are right and not for showing off or to prove a point. God will answer you and you will start operating in that realm. Is not an impossible an realm to achieve ( john 14:12)
I’m not surprised, even JESUS CHRIST was accused much the same way by the Pharisee, the scribes, the saducis etc, who claims to be the teachers of the law yet, they were blinded by their ignorance and they couldn’t stop GOD from crowning Him as the Saviour of the whole world. PROPHET TB JOSHUA did his best as GOD led him. may GOD grant him eternal rest.