The leader of the umbrella body of Yoruba self-determination groups, Ilana Omo Oodua (IOO), Professor Emeritus Banji Akintoye, has asked the United Nations (UN) ‘to organize a referendum so that we can exercise our right to choose whether to continue to live with the people of Nigeria or not’.
Akintoye made this call on Tuesday, on a day separatists staged a protest at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York, US.
POLITICS NIGERIA recalls that agitators for the actualisation of ‘Yoruba nation’ on Tuesday protested at the UN office, expressing their paramount wish to split from Nigeria.
The protest was tagged ‘Million-Man Freedom March’.
“We are here to bring it before the world, the disaster that is developing in Nigeria, and to ask the United Nations as the voice of the world to intervene immediately, to stop the disaster that is developing, the killing of people, the mass killing of people, and the destruction of property and lives; and the introduction into the stream of AlQaeda, ISIS from outside Nigeria.
“We ask the United Nations to organize a referendum so that we can exercise our right to choose whether to continue to live with this people or not,” Akintoye said in a video seen by this reporter.
God bless oduduwa
God bless professor akintoye
All we want is yoruba nation
Dr Fidelis Odiuzou
The United Nation Should Every After 60 years Of Independent Another Independent If The Needs Arised,Never Compairs White Men’s Countries To Black Countries Therefore Nigeria Should just Split Self by Their Presence (6)Six Regional Divissions. Blackmen Are Full with Tricks and Evils Difficult to Control Even in Overseas Therefore Nigeria is Too Large for Just one President We Nigerians Are Begging United Nation to Do This Very Fast B/C We Knows That UN Can do This By Wave of Hand.
The world should please as a matter of urgency to come for our aid in Nigeria we as a people in this country are tied of killing,banditry,terrorism name it all,this Government of Muhammad Buari is nothing but supporter of terrorism.please help us.
It is a good move. The vision and the mission shall be fulfilled.
On point Baba! Yoruba as one of the most civilise people in the world should be free from any form of self-imposed economy and socio-political mess.
Please we want Yoruba Nation now, we are tired of Buari government that loves cow than man.
UN should please come to our aid as fast as possible.What is happening in Nigeria is no longer hidden, it open to the whole world.
Obviously, Nigeria is a useless place to stay with unuseful leaders serving themselves rather than the people but the worst of it all is that the blood tasty ANIMALS are in power now, Nigeria is now flowing with blood
America, britain and other world powers are waiting for war so that they can sell their ammunition, but the north should be wise and do the needful now before it is too late ,we can’t move forward with one Nigeria anymore it’s a bitter truth,we are really delaying the evil days, the size of this nation and our mentality doesn’t match , the size of Nigeria is pulling Africa and black race down , making it undevelopable, if we break peacefully it will bring competition within the sovareign state ,we can’t continue like this,God my northern brothers as they read this and reason positively
May God continue to be with you and protect you professor akintoye you’re a great man the legacy lay for us will not collapse you have said it all refferendum is the solution to Nigeria problem any tribes that want to stay with Nigeria will stay anyone that wants to leave Nigeria should feel free to leave killings hungry poverty corruption insecurities is too much all we want is refferendum