The Chinese Government has stated that it has no plan to take Nigeria’s Sovereignty.
POLITICS NIGERIA recalls that some members of the Nigerian House of Representatives, last week, issued a statement that a clause ceding Nigeria’s sovereignty to China was discovered in loan documents used to procure a $500 million loan from the Asian country.
However, the Chinese foreign ministry in a statement debunked the claim saying the country had no such plan.
“We follow a “five-no” approach in our relations with Africa: no interference in African countries’ pursuit of development paths that fit their national conditions; no interference in African countries’ internal affairs; no imposition of our will on African countries; no attachment of political strings to assistance to Africa; and no seeking of selfish political gains in investment and financing cooperation with Africa,” the ministry quoted President Xi Jinping, as saying at the FOCAC Beijing Summit in 2018.
“China is committed to enhancing investment and financial cooperation with African countries based on their needs to help them improve infrastructure and extradite socio-economic development.”
“By funding infrastructure and other areas that lag behind for short of money, we have helped the relevant countries break bottlenecks, enhance their capacity for independent development, realize social and economic sustainable development, and improve people’s livelihood.”
“In the process, China always gives full consideration to debt sustainability and seeks mutually-acceptable proposals through equal and friendly consultations.”
This loan issue of China to Nigeria and some individuals stood to denying for their pay master, will soon burst one day in this country. I don’t see reason for a manager who has source of income that will relent to manage what he has, if you can’t manage what have then sought for loan! You are not a good manager.
President Buhari should stop blunting this country future, the next will not forgive him and his generation including past leaders of Nigeria.
Nigeria government should be careful with dis loan