President of South-Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa was embarrassed by Zimbabweans on Saturday afternoon as he addressed mourners at Robert Mugabe’s state funeral in the capital, Harare.
Ramaphosa was booed by the crowd over Xenophobic attacks on foreigners in his country. The funeral service, which is taking place at the National Sports Stadium, has seen heads of state and former presidents joining Zimbabweans in paying tribute to the former President.
In recent weeks, foreign nationals were attacked in South Africa during a spate of violent activity that led to shops being looted and property vandalized. Twelve people have died, many have been arrested and hundreds of immigrants. including Nigerians and Zimbabweans, have left the country.
When he was finally allowed to speak, Ramaphosa apologised for the violence.
He said, “South Africans are not xenophobic. He says foreign nationals are welcomed in SA.”
“This we do to push for unity that Mugabe stood for”.
POLITICS NIGERIA has the video, watch below;
Good Zimbabweans send direct message to the instigator.
astonishing that most comments by sa former leaders are in support of d attack except for king buthelezi who remembers d prize paid by Africans during apartheid regime…especially by obasanjo & Kenneth kaunda.
Peace we whant
Is unfortunate that SA President never see anything wrong in what his people did. He deserved it
They should break eggs on him and ask him to leave zim immediately as he is a foreigner there. Yfye man and his people
Heroes of SA are gone, there souls rest in perfect peace. The zero fools like Ramapussy haven’t learnt a thing so he and his xenophobic clan are bound to hand back SA to apartheid again. South Africans human resources need to develop, especially it ghetto dwellers. I’m sad for them because you can understand from the cherrynob wielding xenophobics that most south African youths’ are living in mental prisons own themselves. They thought Mandela was going to knock off the lid of the SA treasury and disburse it off. Of course that didn’t happen so they thought their pain was caused by African migrant but not migrants from elsewhere. Taking Ramapussy and his governments blatant and shameless masterminding of xenophobia, the SA should be suspended from the AU, which probably will be very much to their delight. If it is South Africa’s creepy agenda to walk back into history of high profile xenophobia, it is their choice. I hope they(SA) don’t go “back to where they come from.” The cherrynob wielding men and boys most not be excused for shedding Africans’ blood but the fact is, they are only scapegoats whose heads are talked in by the very governments of recent times. All the xenophobia was instigated by none but Ramapussy and his government in other to distract the S African poor ghetto people’s attention from their own uselessness to people of squatter ghettos of its big cities. Lucky Dube was not murdered by an immigrant. Was he?
Mr president tell your people to stop misbehaving
In South Africa we are one family let love take over
The family we call our self
Thank you mr president