Coronavirus remains a tragic experience which the world can never forget. It is obvious that the federal government has employed some preventive measures to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus.
These measures birthed the closure of institutions and ban on activities like schooling, travelling, trading, amongst others. We cannot deny the fact that both the federal and state governments are working simultaneously and tirelessly.
Meanwhile, one of the notable steps taken by the government is the operation stay-at-home which citizens are bound to comply with.
Since the disease is a global phenomenon and respects no one, instructions are to be followed in order to save lives.
This operation necessitated the total lockdown of high-risk states. It has however received a lot of criticism from Nigerians over the timing of the lockdown.
Staying at home since the virus is real is not hard to be adhered to, but in what way are those whose daily breads lie in daily jobs being catered for? Are they not to be considered?
These are the kinds of conundrum questions that arose and brought in front of the government by its citizens. In National Dailies, social media, suggestions have been put on the table by different individuals and personalities in power.
In order to let the palliative measures yield results, some notable individuals and patriotic personalities have donated valuables and worthy funds according to their capacity in support of the fight against the pandemic.
Failure to distribute relief materials, Hunger virus will take over and control the lives of the vulnerable people in society. A Yoruba adage already postulated thus: “He who wants to collect beans cake from a child must be ready to give honey in replace.”
On this basis, a graduate of political science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Saka Suleiman, posited that: “Coronavirus and Hunger must be tackled simultaneously. If not, the poor will not survive.” Dealing with the former while neglecting the latter will lead to unexpected cases of death.
In the same vein, the act of negligence was played by some of the State Government. As part of their carelessness, inter-state travelling and commercial activities which were earlier shut down and banned were still in full force till in some states.
For instance, in Kwara State, a lot of vehicles without numbers entered the state enormously from the disease affected states in the country at midnight.
Conclusively, the Nigerian government has regretted its actions of negligence and had bitten its fingers in bitterness as the pandemic caught it unaware.
However, if the palliative measures are not well implemented as required, through the proper channel to the targeted individual, things will get out of hands and the stay-at-home order will end up as a fiasco.