
NIN violates human rights, says HURIWA

Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria, HURIWA, has accused the government of planning to spy on its citizens through the National Identification Number or NIN, which, according to the group, violates the constitutional rights to privacy of Nigerians.

Previously, Communications and Digital Economy Minister Isa Ali Pantami said that NIN would be a fundamental part of Nigeria’s security as it would allow the government to identify every citizen of Nigeria on the internet.

“Some of these initiatives that happen to be the foundation of even our economy include the introduction of the national identification number. Nigeria has joined the global community by making the use of national identification numbers for citizens and legal residents mandatory,” said Mr Pantami.

“This is going to be the foundation of our economy and also the foundation of our security that whoever happens to go online, his identity will be known by the Federal Government and by our security institution.”

The minister delivered his speech in Paris during Nigeria International Partnership Forum. HURIWA believed that the speech, delivered in French, was an indication the country wanted to spy on its citizens.

“The value of privacy must be determined based on its importance to society, not in terms of individual rights. Moreover, privacy does not have a universal value that is the same across all contexts,” said HURIWA in a statement.

“The right of privacy implies the exclusion of the public eye from prying into an individual’s affair.”

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